Mermay Portrait Project 2023

Here is a 3D piece I did for the #mermay hashtag this year! I did it on a whim over the weekend. I normally tend to noodle on personal projects for a very long time and rarely finish them so this was a big accomplishment for me. Check out this quick breakdown video I made. It’s not a full timelapse. I started off in ZBrush from a sphere. Trying to push myself to practice other…

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Wish – First Trailer Look Development

The first trailer recently released for the movie I’ve been working on at Disney Animation for the past several months! I’m excited to see it in theaters, since a lot of the subtle stylization work isn’t done justice with heavy compression on social media. You can see my environment look development in some of the shots. These are stills from the trailer, so pretty low quality captures.

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Strange World – Ice Ravine

On Strange World, I worked on the look for the heavy ice sequence in the prologue. Finding the right level of details along the forms and creating areas of rest took time to home in on. The environment needed to look believable, but not so realistic as to be distracting. Ice and snow are also always challenging in CG due to refraction and subsurface being expensive computationally, but also because their look is extremely sensitive…

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Strange World – Clade Farms Look Development

My largest set and responsibility on the film was Clade Farms, the home of the main characters, in the first act and epilogue of the film. Although some early work had been done before my roll-on, I was given me a lot of freedom to explore the look of the farms area. There was a lot of great visual development work as well for inspiration. We aimed to give it a lush, slightly wild look,…

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Strange World – Avalonia Look Development

Although I didn’t do primary or initial look on most parts of the Avalonia city, there was a lot of shot and variant work that I handled given that I rolled on later and other artists left the show. Ryan Smith was the initial look artist for the above set. I worked on creating the paths around the city plaza, applying the central Geo Society logo, and updating the look of various areas based on…

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