I wrote this txconvert.py utility to help with batch conversion of .tx files without needing to use Arnold’s TX Manager. Also, if working with HtoA, there is no equivalent, making dealing with the status of .tx files difficult. This is essentially a wrapper around maketx that runs multiple threads and can act on a ton of files at once. It also has some things hardcoded in that I find helpful, such as looking for certain flags in filenames to determine certain maketx and colorspace settings. These can easily be modified if needed. There are also some flags as you can see above. Some examples of usage:
txconvert.py . Convert all files in the current directory.
txconvert.py . -f “color” Convert all files in the current directory that have “color” in their name.
txconvert.py zbrush_maps/ -r Convert all files in the directory “zbrush_maps” and also look recursively underneath for any further files.
You’ll want the directory the script resides to your environment PATH to use it easily. You can also add it to a shell configuration such as .bashrc like so:

Note this has only been tested on Windows, with Python3.7+, and target renderer Arnold. For PRMan you may need to adjust the maketx flags in the script such as adding –prman.